Our office attempts to schedule appointments that are mutually convenient.
Our office takes great pride in keeping on schedule to make sure you are seen in a timely fashion. The scheduled appointments are reserved specifically for your family member and any change in this appointment affects our schedule. Thus if a cancellation is unavoidable, please call the office at least 24 hours in advance so that we may give this appointment to another patient. If two missed appointments or two cancellations without 24-hour notice, our office reserves the right to not schedule any subsequent appointments. Also, if you arrive late for your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule. This is to ensure that the next patient is not inconvinced by your tardiness. Again please call 24 hours in advance if possible.
We use an extensive network of reminders to make sure you will have no reason to miss an appointment or have time to reschedule to another day. This includes the use of:
Reminder cards for appointments
Text messages
Phone service reminders
Phone calls from the office with information on your expected co-pay for the next visit